
New media fosters creativity in so many different ways due to how vast it is. It can be used as a way to express thoughts and ideas to anyone willing to read them, display artwork and receive criticism/feedback, and even to create art.

For example, Twitter used new media in order to outsource their design to their users, which led to the 'Mentions' section and @'ing people. An article in the NY Times explained how the @ came about, stating that "Early on, Twitter users started referring to others by typing the @ symbol before their name ... Since then, Twitter has added a section to the site where people can see every time they are mentioned with the @ symbol" (NY Times). This shows not only a company creatively using new media in order to receive feedback and develop new aspects to their business, but also how people can use a new method of communicating with each other on a website that did not allow them to do so (at first). New media fosters a bunch of creativity due to it being so new, people are looking to find out more and to optimally use things like websites and programs.



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