Blog About Twitter

In comparing a Twitter discussion to a Blackboard discussion, I found that the Twitter discussion felt significantly less formal. It feels easier to post my thoughts on Twitter than it does on Blackboard, not because of any particular features or website layout, it was more like I felt comfortable. Obviously there is less room to express yourself on Twitter, so that is a downside when trying to have discussion, as Blackboard allows for pretty lengthy posts. Twitter discussions also feel more open than Blackboard discussions. I am sure other sections of this class would be able to see our tweets and also respond to us on Twitter, but I do not think that would be possible on Blackboard.

In comparison to an in-class discussion, I think Twitter has an extended discussion range and allows participation of everyone.Twitter allows for more people to contribute at a time and also opens the discussion up to students who would shy away from an in-class discussion. It also allows people to share sources and others' post, which is hard to do during class and leaves discussion available only to those informed of the subject matter. The only downside, again, is that there is not enough room to have valuable discussion on Twitter, compared to a classroom. Twitter does allow for time to formulate thoughts and contribute to the discussion at any point, which is great.


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